Have you ever asked Jesus into your heart, then questioned where He was?
Did you grow up singing “Jesus Loves Me” but wondered if it were true?
Have you thought you had to earn your salvation one shiny gold star at a time?
Me, too.
But then, I experienced the grace of God. Jesus loves you. This, I know.
- Nikki S. White
Nikki S. White is the author of Me, Mom, & Jesus, a memoir of finding grace in unexpected places, and also the writer for “Just a Broken Believer," a Christian blog that documents God’s divine appearance in everyday human life. Nikki’s passion is for hesitant believers to know God’s heart, grow in grace, and go live out their faith.
Nikki grew up in uncomfortable church pews, convinced that no amount of gold stars in her Bible could win God’s approval until she saw His love unfold in her life in real and intimate ways.
Now, she delights in every glimpse of God’s glory, knowing nothing is too small to escape our Heavenly Father’s notice and no one is too far beyond His loving reach - even a little Sunday School girl or a grown-up broken believer.
Nikki and her husband, Chuck, live in her hometown, where they recently downsized to a 1,000-square-foot house - just a few steps away from her childhood memories, their grown children, and the world's most highly-advanced grandchildren.
When she's not working on her next book, you’ll find her reorganizing closets, browsing antique shops, or standing awestruck beneath a canopy of stars.
Alongside her weekly blog, Nikki has gratefully contributed devotional writings to many ministries such as “The Devoted Collective,” “A Joyful Life” magazine, and “Living by Design.” She also serves on the “Steady On University” Bible study team, preparing to co-author her first “Step by Step” Bible study with its founder, Angie Baughman.
Nikki welcomes all opportunities to share God’s grace with fellow struggling believers.
You can reach Nikki at: nikki@justabrokenbeliever.com