“Ready?” the nurse’s eyes smiled above her mask, and Cameron looked over at her husband, Bob, in the next hospital bed. She nodded her reply.

After all, they were a match made in Heaven; the latest test they had gone through confirmed it.

While family tears fell, four people wheeled Cameron down the hall toward her destination - two at her head, two at her feet - a solemn honor guard befitting a journey of this kind.

They rounded the corner with expert precision, and the surgery room doors swung open to reveal a dozen faces that stood at attention.

One face with kind blue eyes appeared overhead and bent close, her steady gaze an anchor in the vast sea of monitors and machines. She held Cameron’s hand tight while she narrated the scenes that were to unfold.

One at a time, each person stepped forward to speak their rehearsed lines.

“I’m Frank. Today I will be administering Cameron’s anesthesia.”

“I’m Linda. Today I will be monitoring Cameron’s blood pressure.”

“I’m Steven. Today I will be removing Cameron’s left kidney.”

As each person stated their part in the mission, it was clear who had the most important job of all.

And ever since Cameron's creative eye first recognized the work of a fellow Designer, she was eager to submit her own contribution to His design.

Before they began, they encircled their patient as one, taking a firm hold of her ankles, legs, and arms and, by doing so, grasped what every human soul longs to possess within-a love that surrenders all.

Under the blanket of their touch, she chose to look past the unknowns that surrounded her to focus on what her heart could clearly see-God’s face watching over her with the same loving resolve she carried in her own heart.

She whispered to Him,"I see You. You see me."

And with that simple prayer, fell into a deep peace that only accompanies unshakeable faith.

I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope. Jer 29:11 GWT

Author’s note: After 30 years of marriage and 90 days post-surgery, Cameron and Bob’s lives continue to testify to God’s perfect match-making.


