DRY BONES Resurrection, Pt 1

It's been over 2,500 years ago since the prophet Ezekiel stood in a valley of dry bones.

But it seems like yesterday to me.

Because God plopped me in the middle of that same valley and asked me the exact same question.

"Child of God, can these bones come back to life?"

But I couldn't answer. 

I was too busy gathering the remains, picking up pieces denied a decent burial while vultures circled overhead.

It all seemed ridiculously unfair.

But then something happened deep in that wasteland that changed my view.

A voice whispered through the dark, "Set those bones down, child. Take My hand. I want to show you something you won’t want to miss."

When I looked up, Jesus was with me.

And Jesus is with you, too, even in the lowest of your places.

He hasn't come to dismantle your faith but build it.

He's not distributing shovels. Instead, He's passing out hope.

Jesus Christ, Life-Giver, is in Death Valley for one reason.

He's here to rob the grave.

To take back what’s rightfully His.

Dry bones, prepare for a resurrection.

*Ezekiel's vision, Part 1 of 5:

I felt the powerful presence of the Lord, and his spirit took me and set me down in a valley where the ground was covered with bones.

He led me all around the valley, and I could see that there were very many bones and that they were very dry.

He said to me, "Mortal man, can these bones come back to life?"

I replied, "Sovereign Lord, only you can answer that!"

Ezekiel 37:1-3 GNT


SPEAK LIFE Resurrection, Pt 2
