Mommy flipped the visor down to take one last look in the mirror before our car creaked to its stop in front of the weathered farmhouse.

“Ready, Hon?” Daddy asked in his tender way. 

Mommy bit her lip and nodded, then led us up the rocky pathway to meet the ghosts of her past.

The screen door creaked open, then swung shut with a thud as Aunt Josie stepped out to greet us.  

I was soon caught in the middle of an awkward embrace between folds of calico and polyester, then made to sit still near a window where a yapping hound chased a frantic chicken while adults pretended not to notice the commotion.

Before long, little brother began to fuss as well, so Daddy took him out to visit the cows, and we girls pulled our chairs up to the kitchen table.

Coffee was poured, black and steaming, and much to my surprise, Josie set another cup down on the table right in front of me and proceeded to fill it half-full.

Before Mommy could protest, our aunt quickly retrieved a metal tray of ivory cubes from the icebox and plopped two of them into my cup, along with three heaping spoonfuls of sugar. 

Then the older woman reached over my shoulder, slowly stirring the light and sweet into the bitter, then handed the sacred task to me.

As I carefully moved the spoon, the frozen cream melted and caused a caramel tide that rose to the rim, threatening to spill out onto the saucer.

I reacted by stealing a giant slurp, and laughter erupted around me.

Mommy’s eyes met mine, and she smiled and winked at our secret, the good kind of secret that lightened the darker ones she hid. 

The conversation grew warm; the coffee turned cold, and an involuntary yawn announced it was time to excuse ourselves and head back to our motel. 

As I stood on tiptoe, placing cups in the sink, a familiar sight caught my eye- a simple wooden cross nailed to the wall, a symbol of hope bearing witness to the love poured out that day.

After one more round of lingering embraces, we said our goodbyes and loaded up the car, now one stop closer to Home.

Love one another deeply for love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8


