“Whoops! I forgot the keys!” were not the words I wanted to hear on the wrong side of the bank vault’s door. A moment before, I had willingly followed the teller inside to retrieve proof of my birth, but now feared its counterpart would need to be filed, as well.

With the bars locked tight and the heavy door still propped open, I felt little sense of security. I could breathe freely, but not move in the direction I wanted to go.

After a rather loud call or two for help into an empty-looking lobby, someone soon came to our rescue and released us from the vault’s hold. I quickly learned that being trapped - even for a few moments - makes you appreciate the person holding the keys that much more. 

My experience that day was not much different than any child of God’s.

For we all have a place that we willingly walk our souls into - a place that might trap us if we don’t keep one eye, and one hand, on the door at all times.

Just one step further and we could be held there against our will, no matter how much we desire to bend and break the bars that hold us from the life we long to live.

Even though we think God’s not nearby, He is. Jesus hears the silent tapping of our souls, a secret signal sent from the Spirit deep within us that knows we are meant for greater things.

And while it’s true that we may have ended up stuck there just trying to retrieve something we found valuable; the real treasure is always found with the One whose love has set you free.

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. 

John 8:36 

Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

Revelations 1:17-18


