"Why do you like Jesus so much?" my four-year-old granddaughter asked me one day, and that profound question led me to the answer my heart has always known.

It's Him. 

It's always been Him.

Every day, every hour of my life, Jesus was there, calling to me with an everlasting love.

But it was hard to wrap a human head around something that seemed too good to be true, so I turned, walked away, and closed my heart. 

Because if anyone REALLY knew me, what I was ashamed of, places I didn’t measure up; if they saw my ugly, hidden scars and the bruises I've left on others, they would walk away, too.

But Jesus didn't leave. Instead, He remained and waited.

And that was the biggest wonder of all.

He ran toward me with open arms, wooing me like a lover who refused to give up.

Even now, after I finally let Him in, I still can’t believe it. 

I look in the mirror and say, "Jesus, You may want to rethink this relationship. Seriously though, have you taken a good look at this dark soul?"

He waves off my protest with a kind smile. "Yep, I see it, my dear girl. Don't you worry. All is forgiven. Let Me take care of everything."

"WHO are You?" I ask every day of my life, "WHY do You care for me this way?"

Jesus answers, "I AM who I am, and because I AM, you will always be loved."

"For in Him, we live and move and have our being.." 

(Acts 17:28, NIV)


Why do I like Jesus so much?

Because He likes me just as I am.


SHE’S MINE (Remember who you are)
