The hospital room was as dimly lit as the hope in Jean’s heart that day.

Multiple tests had revealed that her youngest, Rhonda, had oxygen levels that could not support her 31-year-old heart for much longer.

But the one test doctors had failed to run was the measure of Rhonda’s spirit.

Since the moment she first arrived in Jean’s arms, it was clear that Rhonda was different in the best kind of way. “I looked into that sweet face with those big round eyes and held her close. Then I said, ‘Here we go, little one. Here we go,”

And through the years, Jean’s faith had continued to grow alongside her daughter’s challenges in that same practical manner - facing each day with her sleeves rolled up and her ear finely tuned to God’s direction.

“There is a Voice that speaks to you that you need to listen for. (The Voice of God’s Spirit) that you are sure of and know you need to do what it says,” Jean shared.

But on that day, as she anxiously waited for her sweet girl’s chest to rise and fall, the silence was almost deafening.

She held her husband Ron’s hand, and together they kept vigil.

While they watched Rhonda’s still form lying in bed, a green aura appeared over the entire length of her body and hovered there, just long enough for both of them to notice.

They thought the glow they had witnessed was from their exhaustion or perhaps, from one of the many machines in the room.

Jean went over to investigate.

She searched for a reasonable explanation but found none. Then, as she bent over the bedside, Rhonda's eyes flew open.

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’m going to be okay,” she stated with her pure, matter-of-fact faith. “God just told me.”

And so, like mother, like daughter, God continues to speak over the lives of His people.

“Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go.'"

Isaiah 30:21 NLT

Note: In 2021, Rhonda celebrated her 50th birthday. The beautifully simple, pure faith she and Jean both carry in their hearts continue to inspire us all.


