The church doors swung open, and I stepped inside the candlelight service with my head down, stomping off the cold.

“Merry Christmas! I see you brought some friends?” the usher winked at the familiar faces that followed close behind me and placed an unlit taper in each of our hands-a promise of what was to come.

I settled into the pew with my candle, noting how much had changed since the last time I squeezed into this row. My gaze lingered over the vacant spots that now sat between us.

This same time last year, I couldn't bring myself to set foot inside this place; the grief was too great. I ran the dry wick across my thumb, and the music began.

‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel, who mourns in lowly exile here.' The haunting prayer of all humanity echoed through my longing.

A single tear fell.

‘Come and behold Him, Born the King of angels.’ The song’s invitation called to me through the darkness to look upon the glory of God lying in a manger -Jesus, the Light of the World.

As I came closer, the Christ Child’s cry stirred the embers of my soul. A new hope ignited.

The music paused; the wondrous story of His birth retold. “Nothing is impossible with God,” the angel had declared. At that moment, I knew it was true.

‘Joy to the World, the Lord is come!’ My loud singing drew some glances, but I looked past them to see the wonder that was unfolding before my eyes.

One eternal candle had been lit and passed from Heaven to earth, from generation to generation, from person to person, to all who would receive Him. 

Flame to wick, the faith was passed on until all around me, faces glowed, in the light that could never be extinguished. 

‘Silent night, Holy night. Son of God, Love’s pure light.’

The final note lingered; a hush fell across the room while every flame burned bright to declare His glory.

As I stepped out into the clear night, I beheld tens of thousands of stars blazing, candlelight held high in Heaven’s sanctuary by those still singing with us, those already Home.

“In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  John 1:4-5


