Last weekend, our family made its own history at the century-old Portage Point Inn, a place poised between two great bodies of water, suspended between Heaven and earth.

When the mist rises up from the eastern lake at dawn, a faint silhouette of a steamship seems to appear on the horizon, awaiting its passengers to return to the shore, their trunks packed with memories, full hearts turned toward home.

Sitting on the covered porch, I watched them leave, kindred souls passing through-longing to stay, yet willing to go.

Somewhere, a faint voice called in the distance, “Meet me at the ferry dock!” 

I strained closer to listen, but sweeter sounds overtook me.  

“Good-bye! Thank you for inviting us! It was a great wedding! We were honored to be here on this special day!” 

A steady tide of laughter, kisses, and hugs washed over, then left just as quickly, pulling suitcases behind them, leaving a trail through autumn leaves.

A cool breeze blew to remind me of the passing season.

“I’ll meet you there one day, my friend,” I whispered, “Soon, but not yet.” 

For I needed a little more time to gather my things-treasures I couldn’t leave behind. 

I longed to scoop up the tender love of a momma who coaxed and carried her reluctant flower girl down the aisle, to hold them both close and breathe them in as they blossom.

I hoped to bring along the gentle strength offered by a bridegroom as he escorted me to a place where I could see his new life unfold. 

“I love you, Mom. You’re beautiful.” With one sweet kiss, he let me go.

And I would leave satisfied if I could wrap up the joy to be found between a bride and groom as they dance toward the sun setting over the western waters. 

It’s almost too much to hold. So much more than when I first arrived. 

But if I must, I will pack up my bursting heart and head dockside, already waist-deep in Heaven here on earth.

'But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you…We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow...'

I Chronicles 29:14-15 NLT


