“Lord, it’s impossible,” I told Jesus as the pain spattered the pages of my Bible. “Too much, too hard, I can’t.”

It was only a single step, but it felt like a journey I had no strength to pack my bags for. A mountain loomed before me that I couldn't find a way over or around.

So I planted feet, leaned shoulder, heaved, and pushed with all my might, only to collapse in defeat on the ground. Maybe it was better to turn back.

And it was at that low place I became small enough to remember that there is a God Who dwarfs every mountain, the God of the Universe Who waits to clear my path.

The Mountain Mover God places a seed of hope into our open hands and bids us press it deep into the soil of His faithfulness. 

With our fingers still touching the hem of His garment, we will feel the earth start to rumble, that hope take root and grow into a faith unshakeable - a faith that’s not afraid to tell the mountains where to go.

For in Him, through Him, and by Him, the mountains tremble and move.

Impossible becomes possible when Jesus does all the heavy lifting.

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20,21


