Redeemed Treasures
A found treasure bearing my maiden name
While being sheltered among the four walls I call home, it has occurred to me that the tangible objects I am drawn to, are the very things that others have overlooked.
In the morning, a cracked, enamel coffee pot brews up a bouquet of spring flowers. Tarnished clocks mark the time of my childrens’ births, but never the passing afternoon. And at the end of the day, a paint-splattered trunk serves as a welcome footrest. Surrounded by these familiar imperfections that I have rescued, I am reminded of my own.
My favorite things were often found underneath, tucked in, beyond reach, and hidden in dark corners of musty-smelling shops. Happening upon a rarity, I would carefully shield it from other browsers, certain that once in my hand, they would be awakened to its value and be compelled to wrestle it from my grasp. But alas, what I saw escaped them.
So, if I, being a mere human, take great delight in finding purpose in the discarded, how much more will Jesus, the Savior and Creator of all humanity, survey the cast off wares of our soul with joy? In fact, the God who clearly sees our hidden ugly, longs to take it into His forgiving hands and reclaim it to display His glory.
For although the flaws, sins, and addictions of God’s imperfect people shame us into poorly lit areas of existence, Jesus’ expert eye sees what beauty will be made from our broken when brought into His presence.
Yes, the great love of our Heavenly Father eagerly reaches beyond what holds the world’s attention to the dented, torn and threadbare parts of our heart that have given up all hope of redemption. These are the items He gathers and takes to the counter with the bright red stamp of “final sale”. Forever His.
So remember, my discouraged friend, no matter how you see yourself today, Jesus has already cleared a spot for you in His home.
You are His greatest treasure.
“But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you - from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” I Peter 2:9 (Msg)