THE BEST WAY TO WORSHIP JESUS (Back to Sunday School series)

Just once, my husband wanted to win the annual neighborhood BBQ cook-off.

Competition was fierce, and chances were slim until the 5x reigning champ pulled my husband aside and graciously revealed the secret ingredient in his winning sauce.

"Vidalia onions," the winner whispered, "LOTS of Vidalia onions."

The chef gave a knowing nod toward his trophy. "Just dump them all in a blender and hit 'puree.'"

With one button push, the onions released their vapors, assaulting every nostril and eyeball within a city block. 

It took days to fumigate the house. 

The joke was on my husband, but it's a lesson for us all.

Following someone else's recipe can lead to stinking thinking.

Jesus's friend Martha had a similar experience while playing hostess at a dinner in Jesus's honor. It wasn't a competition, but Martha felt the need to win.

She moved through the house frantically, juggling plates and slamming the roast in the oven, but 'Oi vey!' Nothing was ever good enough, so she mustn't be good enough.

On the other hand, her sister, Mary, enjoyed Jesus's company without a care in the world, infuriating Martha. 

"Lord, don't you care?" She asked.

Immediately, Jesus cleared the stinking thinking with these words:

"Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential…"

(Luke 10:41-42a, MSG)

Martha was missing one vital ingredient to victory and peace.

"Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy." 

(Mark 12:30, MSG) 

That's the secret sauce. 

Don't worry about her. Don't worry about you. Love Jesus with all your heart.

The next time Jesus came for dinner, Martha was ready. Of course, Mary's winning streak continued. She bowed before Jesus and poured perfume on His feet. 

The Bible notes that the fragrance of Mary's beautiful act filled the room.

Martha had a choice to make. So do you.

Will you live a whole life for Jesus as "you" or pulverize your soul by trying to be someone else?

The answer's tucked into John 12, verse 2.

"Martha served." 


Martha worshipped Jesus as she set the table. Martha drank in His Words while she poured the wine.

Martha tickled God's nostrils with her signature fragrance, the smell of some good home-cookin'.

So love Jesus with all you are. It's a winning combination.




HOW TO PUT YOUR FEAR TO REST (Back to Sunday School Series)