“Say, Sir, I know you! You’re Chet McCabe from Sault Ste. Marie, eh?!”

A salute, a handshake, and a slap on the back were all it took to bring small-town America to the docks of Australia. With the world at war, every heart longed for home.

“Say, ain’t that somethin’, eh?” responded the officer, “Joe Logan! What brings ya’ here?”

The sailor shrugged. “Ship got blown up.”

“What a shame, eh? Can I give ya’ a hand?” 

Joe hesitated. He was a proud man, but a good man, no matter what it cost him. He touched the wedding band that Agnes had given him.

“Lend me a nickel to write my wife? I’ll pay it back, I swear.” 

The ranking official held Joe’s gaze, their eyes saying what faith dared not utter. Then he pressed $10 of dignity into Joe’s hand. “Buy me a coffee when we get home, eh? Call it even.” 

And although he lived to be 102, Joe never called it that way.

On the same day he sent word of his rescue, he received orders to board the USS Hope and make himself useful. As the great ship moved slowly through the Pacific, it opened its arms to carry the wounded and dying home. 

Joe sat week after week- holding heroes' hands and stories with mercy while counting his own blessings. The first letter reached Agnes long before he did, so he wrote another to say he was on the longest journey of his life.

When the ship finally approached the San Francisco harbor, a great ruckus erupted from the shore. Joe took the stairs two at a time and ran to hang over the rail. He could barely believe his eyes, but the roar of victory he heard was unmistakable. 

The war was over. 

He came home to Agnes’ smile and a warm apple pie, but try as he might, could never repay the debt he owed.

So Joe made it his mission to live a generous life -working hard, living well, making the most out of all he had been given. 

Over 100 candles, he used his wish for others because he didn’t need a thing.

“God has blessed me,” Joe testified with faithful conviction, “My life has had its ups and downs, but I always ended right side up.”

And for Joe, that was more than enough.

Trust the LORD, and do good things. Live in the land, and practice being faithful. 

Psalm 37:3


