“I still believe in Jesus and the Easter Bunny!” became the most profound declaration of faith I have ever witnessed, spoken by a five year old who had just stumbled upon evidence of Santa’s true identity.

Older, and a tad wiser, my heart sunk at my little brother’s disappointment, but rose again in camaraderie when he refused to give new found doubt another inch.

While I’m not sure how long he clung to the dream of an overgrown rabbit hiding pastel eggs at dawn, I do know that the truth of Jesus Christ still stands the test of time and circumstance today.

Although much like impatient children, we may set out searching for hidden meaning in the grasses of human wisdom, we are certain to return carrying frail and hollow ideas that bear the cracked veins of a vinegar-soaked world. 

Grasped in mere mortal hands, the shell that encases our pride and self-reliance breaks wide open when shaken, spilling raw and runny through our fingers.

Yet through it all, the cross of Christ stands firm - God’s stake driven in the ground of this broken earth, declaring what is true for eternity.

Invented fantasies will one day be revealed for what they are and tossed aside, but our resurrected Savior is rooted deep within the hearts of all those He has rescued. His Holy Spirit quickens a faith within us that does not evaporate with time, but solidifies all the more as we reach out to test, touch and hold Jesus’ nail-scarred hands of love.

I still believe, do you?

He is risen!

Then, looking into Thomas’ eyes, Jesus said, “Put your finger here in the wounds of my hands. Here—put your hand into my wounded side and see for yourself. Thomas, don’t give in to your doubts any longer, just believe!”

Then the words spilled out of his heart—“You are my Lord, and you are my God!”

Jesus responded, “Thomas, now that you’ve seen me, you believe. But there are those who have never seen me with their eyes but have believed in me with their hearts, and they will be blessed even more!”

John 20:26-29 TPT


