WHAT’S GOD WANT ME TO DO? (Back to Sunday School Series)

When I returned to work after my honeymoon, my desk had disappeared.

Apparently, I’d been fired, so I retreated to the supply closet in shame and tried to pull my sobbing self together. 

The manager poked his head in, “You OK? I want to talk to you. Follow me.”

It was the worst walk of my life, each step bringing me closer to my final paycheck. I had tried so hard to please my boss, but it wasn’t good enough.

Sometimes, that’s how we follow Jesus, too. 

We dread what He has to say and second-guess ourselves at every turn. When something goes missing, we presume it’s because He really doesn’t like us after all.

But when I rounded the corner that day, I ran smack dab into my old desk, which had been moved right outside the big boss’ office. 

I was promoted, not fired.

Our assumptions about our role in God’s Kingdom can also be wrong.

The people following Jesus discovered that in John’s Gospel, chapter 6. 

They heard that Jesus was hiring, and the job paid well. So they woke up early and started out strong but couldn’t keep up the pace. Jesus was on His second cup of coffee when they finally arrived at the interview.

“Rabbi, when did you get here?” (v25) they asked, feeling a little sheepish. They looked at the clock. How’d they mess that up?

But Jesus wasn’t concerned about “when” they showed up, but “why.”

He said, ”Don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you.” (v27) 

Confused, the people made a quick note on parchment and then asked, “OK, got it, Jesus. Now, what else can we do?”

Human nature thinks God wants more. 

So we’re surprised to hear Jesus’s answer:

“The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” (v29)

When we believe in Jesus and His finished work on the cross, we can trust that all we do for Him will be enough.

God gives us a two-word job description:

Trust Jesus.

When the unexpected comes, trust Jesus.

When you can’t hold your head up, trust Jesus.

When you can’t find your place, trust Jesus.

When you trust and follow Him, you’ll discover that your desk hasn’t disappeared.

Jesus wants you closer to Him.


HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES (Back to Sunday School Series)


FINDING HOPE WHEN IT’S OVER (Back to Sunday School Series)