I see proof of God’s love in three colors - the red of Christ’s blood, the white of His Heavens and the blue of a rummage sale guitar.

My husband needed another guitar like he needed a hole in his head, but he found himself wandering the streets of his hometown in search of another to bring a song and a smile to his fading sister’s face.

He had almost given up when he spotted it, tucked away in the furthest corner of an antique shop. It was powder blue - not a color for serious musicians - but time was short and pickings slim, so it would have to do. 

It played a bittersweet farewell melody that day and returned home in its case where it remained for months - unseen, unstrummed - like the illusive joy of our grieving hearts.

Seasons came and went, along with the clutter from our souls and home. Yet still, that unneeded set of strings remained. 

While just across town, with only a few shopping days left till Christmas, our friend Rhonda waited with the other children to sit on Santa’s lap as she had for the past 47 years. 

Her wish surprised everyone within earshot - especially her parents - who smiled with a shrug at the impossible task handed them on such short notice.

Yet what Rhonda may appear to lack from a worldly view, she far exceeds in spiritual insight. For her solid theology accepts the depths of Jesus’ love for her and knows that whatever matters to her, means even more to Him. 

It’s just that simple.

So, it came as no great surprise to her when she unwrapped the exact gift she had requested that Christmas morning - a guitar as blue as the summer sky that had been selected and kept for her by a loving God, years before it had ever entered her mind.

That awe-inspiring demonstration of God’s love has left its mark on me. 

And perhaps even more so, the way Rhonda received that amazing love - with a solemn nod and a lovely, broken strum. 

“What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen, is the very thing God prepared for those who love Him.” I Corinthians 2:9 GNB


