On my bravest day, I’m a scaredy cat. 

At the root of my fear is the thought of losing control - a very inconvenient truth for a girl who has bent the knee to the Creator and Ruler of the universe.

Maybe that’s why the Lord saw fit to give me a man who loves to rev engines loud and change gears fast.

When I climb on the back of his motorbike, I submit myself to the spiritual practice of “getting in it” - a loosely interpreted biblical term he embraces to encourage me to practice the trust I preach.

On two wheels, I experience a life of faith in every sense of the word. It has been said that there are no atheists in a foxhole and the same holds true when you are straddling leather and chrome at 70 mph.

To add to my angst, I still bear a scar from a tumble taken on a mountain’s hairpin turn. That memory tangles with my mind like the wind in my hair. 

Yet, I bravely lift my chin and strap my helmet for I have resolved to learn to ride trusting in God’s sovereignty, instead of hanging on by my own white knuckles.

And although we should never test God with reckless behavior, we have to step out of the comfort of standing on our own two feet. 

For until we fully rest our heels on the pegs of His promises, we will never experience the thrilling life He intends for His followers. 

The choice is ours.

Will we choose to ride life’s highway with the windows rolled up tight around us and our own hands gripping the wheel?

Or will we hold on for dear life to Jesus, Who is waiting to take us on the adventure of a lifetime?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart 

and lean not on your own understanding; 

in all your ways submit to Him, 

and He will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV


