Combat Training Manual

Day 6  

Fighting Fear with Hope - Special Edition

To my dear granddaughter, the treasure of my heart, on her 2nd birthday,

As I choose what to gift you on this momentous occasion, my mind touches on the things that will bring out your toothy grin - perhaps a tricycle, a doll baby or a princess gown of tulle - all tangible items that I so long to give you in place of the things I can’t. 

For my greatest wish for you when your blonde curls hit the pillow each night is that you dream of music class and feeding ducks and playing with your best pup Harls -and wake to a whole new world full of pupcake snuggles and laughing playgrounds and yellow school buses rolling by.  

Oh for my sweet girl, dear Lord, let it be. 

For my dear child, the things that I so desire to wrap in paper and bow are not mine to give, but are yours to receive with an open heart and expecting little hands held up to the Giver of Light.

Sweet baby, you were given to us in a time of our darkness. A gasp of delight that sparked a hope light in our heavy hearts. And as we’ve watched you crawl, toddle and run through our broken world, we have seen the goodness of God. May your heart giggle always with great joy in His blessings.

Precious child, you were born for greatness, a purpose bigger than yourself. And as we’ve watched you color bright our world and stack your dreams high, we have witnessed hope for the days ahead. May your knees always bend and your tiny head bow before the Great Dream Giver as He guides your steps toward His perfect plan.

My little bug, you are braver than you know, infused with the courage of a warrior, to take up the good fight, a faith legacy passed on to you to carry in your heart. For as we have seen you patient in darkness, waiting to be found, we remember the One Who is sure to come for us wherever we may be . May your faith grow strong and may you seek to hide His truth in your heart always, tiny soldier.

Oh for the one who carries my heart,

Oh for the little ones who carry yours, my friend,

Dear Lord, let it be.




Finding Bread