These days, I have been thinking back a lot to similar dark times of the unknown - trying to glean from my past survival what I must plant into my present. On one such moment, my departing mother whispered something to me that I have gingerly carried ever since - the weight and the mystery of which I have never broken free.  

It was the sum of a lifetime spoken in two simple words. 

“No regrets.”

As life’s seasons passed by, I have raised a toast to the setting sun, boarded a Paris-bound plane and nuzzled my grand baby in grateful arms, all while echoing those careful instructions, their true meaning alluding me.

Yet today, as dark clouds gather on our collective horizon, those words come to life and shout to my soul. For “no regrets” must mean something so much more than an encouraging nudge to embrace the next adventure. 

“No regrets” are words spoken for times such as these.

For while we sit here tethered to the ones who will carry our legacy, we would be wise to remember the value of what we will one day press into their hands. Oh, that we would leave them more than just wishes for what could have been!

So with increasing urgency, let us tear down the barriers that have come between us - forgive the petty words spoken in anger, dump out the bottomless glass of empty hope and turn from the distractions that lull us into indifference. Let us not waste one single moment of this opportunity to be truly with them- fully present.

And as we kneel each morning before our Maker, a captive audience of one, let this be the hour that we offer to Him all we have of all we are. Let us finally see the futility of our busiest efforts to direct our own destiny and instead, look up to Jesus to provide our salvation and our purpose.

For if we commit the days we have been given now to live openly within our own four walls, we will find it time well spent -and a life well lived -with “no regrets”.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” Romans 8:18-19


