A WAY IN A MANGER (It’s a Wonderful Life)

Dear Father in Heaven, 

I’m not a praying man, but if You’re up there and You can hear me, show me the way.

- George Bailey "It's a Wonderful Life"

20 years ago today, I prayed a similar prayer overlooking Momma's grave.

Raised in the faith, I knew God heard me when I prayed. 

But like my friend, George Bailey, I couldn't see the way Home. Death's fog was far too heavy.

And yet, it was 10 days before Christmas, and I had to get there somehow.

So I pulled on a coat and pressed through the hustle and bustle of the holiday crowds, wincing as my raw soul rubbed up against bristling shoppers. Carols rang through the air and right through my empty heart, leaving no trace of joy to follow. 

I left empty-handed and pulled out into traffic. A horn blared, a car swerved, and a middle finger waved a cruel holiday greeting as it roared by.

Yes, the world's way Home was a dead end. So I had to find another way.

I trudged up the snowy church steps and slipped into a pew before the children's Christmas program began. The garland and lights adorning the sanctuary took me back 30 years to when I sat in this same place, a little girl leaning on her mother. I could still see the glow on Momma's face as she fixed her eyes on the cross before her.

Sobs formed a constant, silent prayer, "Dear God, show me the way."

The lights dimmed, music began, and little ones climbed onto the stage to sing the familiar Christmas hymn I had known from childhood. 

"A-way in a manger, no crib for His bed," the sweet voices rose, incense to Heaven, floating back down to settle among the faithful.

The second verse began. "A-way in a manger.." 

I leaned forward. Had the words changed over the years? Or had I not been listening?

Baby Jesus was A WAY in a manger, not away, far away in a manger where God was unreachable, untouchable, unaffected by the cold, brutal winds that blow through this life.

Jesus was A WAY, the One and Only Way God laid in a manger as a gift to every weary, grieving soul.

God didn't lightly brush the cheek of our humanity. Instead, he plunged His holy hand into our flesh and laced His fingers through our bones, so He could walk us through the valley of the shadow of death, the deepest, darkest places we must travel through to get Home.

"Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, LORD, for you are with me." Psalm 23:4a (GNT)

We will fear no evil because God is with us.

God laid His Only Son Jesus, A WAY Home, in a manger.

It truly is a wonderful life.


THE CHRISTMAS WISH (It’s a Wonderful Life)


HELP US, GOD (It’s a Wonderful Life)