“All aboard!” bellowed the conductor, and I jumped onto the Grand Canyon Railway train, eager to see one of the world’s greatest wonders.

A whistle, a jolt, and we were on our way. I found a seat and turned toward the window, determined to enjoy the journey.

But soon, it became clear there was not much to see. Miles and miles of empty horizon stared back - dry, dull, lifeless - lulling me to indifference until a glimmer caught my eye. 

I strained forward. Could it be? Some meaning on the way to wonder?

As the train chugged closer, I had my answer. It was only a fallen carcass. “No hope! No beauty!” The bleached bones mocked as they grazed among thirsty tumbleweeds.

I sighed; leaned back, eyes and heart heavy. 

But isn’t that when God surprises? 

The split-second before we give up, give in, surrender our search, His hand appears to gently shake us awake for the one thing we almost missed.

The one thing that never fails to take our breath away.

Still miles from the canyon, I suddenly beheld something much grander on the horizon. Its shadow cast long across the broken earth, spanning the great plain between Heaven and earth.

To some, it may have appeared to be a simple wooden electric pole, but to me, it was the power of God, the landmark of His love, the cross of Christ.

We moved past slowly while the cross stood firm and gazed intently through the window of each soul, calling across the chasm of every human heart, “You are loved! You are seen! You are wanted! You are Mine!”

And when the train finally rolled to a stop, I had to lower my expectations of what I would view next. 

After all, I had already witnessed the greatest wonder of the world.

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:17b-18 NIV


