Sirens wail a violent lullaby over a mother, her children, their dreams.

Desperate, she falls to the floor and lifts her face to Heaven, but she cannot stay there. There is too much to do. She throws things in a bag, prayers in the air. Deep calls to deep, begging God to come.

And the Prince of Peace appears before daybreak with a soft hand laid upon trembling shoulders.

He posts a guard at her broken window -a songbird to call beauty over ashes. So strange, she thinks, all hope should have flown far away, yet here it stays to sing.

Faith’s finger lifts her chin, turns blurred eyes to the horizon, and points past the black billows from hell’s furnace where morning's light rises to greet her. The King of kings- eternal, immortal -walks across the backs of her enemies to touch His daughter’s cheek with the rays of His love.

For she is dear to Him, within her flesh dwells His Spirit, the breath of the Living God. No thief can steal, no tank can crush, no bomb can incinerate His life within her. His love will be passed to a thousand generations -no matter how much or how long the evil may rage.

Gazing the Invisible, the King’s daughter picks up a broom and sweeps shatters of hatred from the window sill to clearly see beyond tomorrow.

“Long live Ukraine,” she whispers through the grinding teeth of faith.

And the world falls to its knees. 

“For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world, and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].”

1 John 5:4 AMP


