Christmas enters our home in dusty plastic bins that we pull down from the attic rafters, much like the hope we reach for, long stored in our hearts.

Familiar, hidden treasures have been waiting- jagged paper bells, glued popsicle stick reindeer and faded red felt stockings. 

Our memories rest on wire hooks that hang on the family tree and remind us of where we've been and how we came to be.

Because all of our Christmases make up all of our lives somehow.

There were doorbell chimes, suitcase wheels, and frost-covered cars warmed and waiting in the driveway. Hurry here! Hurry there! Load the presents. Grab the pies. 

The longing in our souls led us home to one another. 

Christmas dawn brought the rush of pj feet, taking the steps two at a time toward the presents waiting for them. All the days of frantic preparation, shredded and strewn in minutes, were rewarded with squeals and sips of lukewarm coffee.

It was all so unexpected and beautiful. Chaos that you could never quite wrap your mind around. So you pulled it all into your grateful heart with faith's invisible hands.

Because in this broken world where hearts crush, tears fall, children leave and loved ones lay to rest under snowy cemetery boughs, Christmas still comes to you and whispers, "Carry on".

So light the tree, hum the carol, and remember the promise of Christmas past remains true and evergreen.

God with you. God with me. God with us all forever.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him."

I Corinthians 2:9 nlt


