CHRISTMAS HOPE (The Christmas Collection)
Every year, Christmas Past enters my home in a dusty plastic bin that I drag down from the rafters of my heart.
Familiar treasures wait to make their annual appearance. One by one, I unwrap the memories and smile to see that the glue still holds on a jagged paper bell, a popsicle stick reindeer, and a red felt stocking. I hang them on our family tree to remind us of where we've been and how we came to be.
Because all of our Christmases make up all of our lives, somehow.
There were doorbell chimes, suitcase wheels, and frost-covered cars warmed and waiting in the driveway. Hurry here! Hurry there! Load the presents. Grab the pies.
Love called us home and drew us all together.
On Christmas morn, a stampede of squeals descended the stairs. Weeks of frantic preparations lay shredded across the floor in minutes while Momma sighed, satisfied to sip her lukewarm coffee.
It was all so unexpected and beautiful, chaos you could never quite wrap your mind around, so you pulled the laughter into your grateful heart with hands of faith, knowing one day it would sustain you.
Because in this broken world where hearts crush, tears fall, children leave, and loved ones lay to rest under snowy cemetery boughs, Christmas present still comes to you today and whispers, "Carry on."
The Christ child who was born came to die so you could live. Emmanuel is with us even now.
So, receive God's grace for this moment. Savor your one wonderful life; count your blessings as you sit and stay for a while. Then tuck all that goodness deep in your pockets, arise, and press on to Heaven's porch light that glows in the distance.
Christmas future beckons, saying, "The best is yet to come."
Love is calling you Home and drawing you near.
One glorious day, you'll stomp this world's muddy slush off your boots and leave it at Heaven's door. Jesus will take your coat and lift winter's weight off your shoulders.
A rush of joy will overtake you, sweet familiar faces will surround you and together, you'll open every good and perfect gift, wrapped and waiting in the throne room of your faithful God.
There'll be no more need for dusty plastic bins on that day.
All of our Christmases that made up all of our lives will be ours forever.
Before the Christ child, let us bow.
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9