“Mommy, can I have the camera? Pleeeeeasssse!! Can I have the camera?” My toddler son’s hands stretched in earnest toward me, pleading to take hold of something stirring in his heart.

But for reasons still unknown, I kept on filming. After all, a video camera was costly and hard to replace in those days.

In time, I learned that a soul holds far more value.

I had tried my best to operate that camera using the same manual that came in every box.

As an amateur, I forced a one-of-a-kind masterpiece into a generic dime store frame until I finally had to admit - there was something about this particular work of art that was worthy of an expert.

Falling to my knees before the Director of all things, I handed over precious loops of a life that spilled through my fumbling fingers and said, “Here. I can’t.”

He scooped up every moment into loving hands, circled his finger in a forward motion and said, “This is good - very good. Let’s keep rolling.”

Something changed when I stepped from behind the camera and into the scenes that unfolded before me. 

I fell in love with the story God was telling through my son.

The set changed with each passing year - from fishing boat to tree fort, VW bus to bonfires, stadiums to stages. 

But as I watched him move through each one in his own style, it was as if I stood small under the glory of the night sky and witnessed that one star that broke rank and followed its own path.

It took my breath away.

For every soul was designed to reflect the glory of a Creator God Who cannot -and will not - be contained to a man-made script. 

Each life handed over to Him will be viewed with wonder throughout the theater of eternity. 

Let the credits roll. All glory to God.

"I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. 

What you have done is wonderful. 

I know this very well."

Psalm 139:14 NCV


