“What is it about ‘Boppy'?” my son’s teammate once asked. “He makes friends everywhere he goes and doesn’t even try.”

I laughed and followed his gaze to see my dad (otherwise known as ‘Boppy’) make his way from the stadium to his car after a long hot day in the bleachers.

Just then, my dad noticed a player shuffling by, gripping his helmet in shame. I couldn’t make out what was said, but a smile soon crossed the young man’s face, and I knew another point had been scored for the ‘good guys’ - the team my dad always played for. 

His position was to watch from the stands as others lived out their passions - his arms crossed in concentration, eyes steady on the field. A lesser man would have opted to stay home when sleet pelted or thunder rumbled, but he considered it his job to stand guard over their goals. It seemed to feed his soul.

Most weekends, he dined like a king on salty popcorn, steamed hot dogs and easy conversation. Dessert was saved for after the game - homemade cookies shared with players that hungered to be noticed for their courage to stand tall on the sidelines.

Dad shared their sense of duty. He kept a red and white striped umbrella, the size of a circus tent, and a neatly folded army blanket nearby in the event of a sudden downpour or temperature drop. If a damp shiver was detected in the zone he was assigned to cover, he would deny being cold or wet, allowing others a chance to be first string.

He played defense like a pro, never leaving one mother’s heart unguarded. While most men left when emotions went into overtime, he offered his shoulder to the fans that cared the most but couldn’t bear to watch.

And when the clock ran out and the lights went black, he was a slow, steady clap in the shadows as each player filed past, jerseys streaked with their best efforts.

“Nice job #29! We’ll get ‘em next time, #12!”

Win or lose, his encouragement echoed victory into every future. 

For Boppy’s presence was the real trophy handed out each season, the reward for participating in something greater than ourselves, a prize that was won by simply showing up.

Your love, dear brother, has brought me great joy and much encouragement! You have cheered the hearts of all of God's people.

Philemon 1:7 gnt


