Any recovering dance mom can tell you that even in a perfectly executed performance, it’s the smallest misstep on stage that captures your attention.

Such is life in this broken world. It’s easy to be pulled away from what we know to be true, and end up hyper-focused on the current culture’s narrative or worse yet, follow our own feelings off the ledge.

Jesus told us that when our eyes are healthy and looking for good things, our heart is full of light.

But He also warned us that the opposite is true. Eyes that gravitate away from light usher in a greater darkness that consumes and overtakes, filling us with guilt instead of grace. 

I believe that this truth does not just apply to our physical vision alone. It also encompasses our spiritual sight.

When we slip and succumb to fear and judgment over the solid footing of faith and grace, we can find ourselves blindly stumbling through our day’s performance. 

So if you are standing in the dark today, my friend, let me encourage you to pause for two counts right now. 

Let Jesus take your hand and guide your steps back to where He has placed you - in full view of His Light and His lead.

Then with your eyes carefully glued on Him, you will move with confidence and joy once again.

Just keep your eyes on Jesus, beautiful dancer, 

And keep dancing.


“The eye is the lamp of the body. Therefore, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how terrible that darkness will be!”

Matthew 6:22-23 ceb


