Years ago, our sweet 2 year old daughter was given free rein in the local five and dime by her doting daddy who told her she could have anything she desired, she need only choose.

After much deliberation, she gingerly picked out a single treat from a bucket by the check-out and asked, “Is this OK Daddy?” 

Funny, he would have emptied his pockets to buy her the store, but she settled for a penny candy.

Likewise, our Heavenly Father created and placed mankind in a setting of freedom where we could wander Eden’s aisles and choose to our heart’s content. 

In His eternal emporium though, there was only one exception: the aisle where the knowledge of good and evil was kept.

And while that was the only thing denied them, God still gave them agency to choose to trust and obey His goodness, or spend all they had on a bait and switch scheme. 

We think we all know the rest of the story, but do we?

For as soon as humankind let go of God’s hand to wander our own way, sin stuck out his foot, tripped us, and wrapped his chains around our ankles, destining us to forever crawl along the sticky, stained linoleum of a lesser life.

But God, the Owner of it all, chose not to bar the doors just yet.

Instead, He emptied every drop of His Life savings, to purchase another choice for His children:

To merely exist, lost under the shelves of cheap goods and pride that hinder our higher calling 


Humbly cry out and accept the nail-scarred hand of forgiveness Jesus offers which pulls each of us to right standing with God - in full view of all that is in store for those who love Him. 

The decision cannot be ignored or delayed any longer, my friend.

Closing hour is upon us.

For hope, for freedom and for peace with a Holy God, 

Choose well. Choose Life. Choose Jesus.

Today I have give you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

Deuteronomy 30:19 nlt


