My grieving husband suffered from a recurring nightmare during the last months of his sister, Mary’s life.

He was alone in a dark place, only given a short time to perform a series of impossible tasks or she would be lost to him forever. He would bolt upright in terror after desperately trying to save her and lay there, awakened to his own mortality.

We all experience our own night terrors, don’t we? When life slips from our hands and shatters into a million pieces despite all our best efforts to keep it intact.

As human beings created in our Creator’s image, we often mistake ourselves to be on equal footing with God. We strive to control the elements around us and when we find we cannot, we seek to direct God’s will as well.

This common struggle floods hearts with anxiety. We tug hard against His ways and then try to push our way into His favor with recited prayer formulas and perfect church attendance as if we don’t trust God to deliver the goodness He promises. 

And by relying on our actions to produce His answers, we think we have earned the right to have the final say.

It takes God-given faith to believe He can be fully relied on to graciously grant us the very best - even if that best is momentarily hidden in Heaven.

In the broken here and now, we catch glimpses of what will one day be in miracles of healing, peace and provision. But even when we come away with soul-rending anguish and empty hands, God’s future yes can still fill our hearts.

For one great day, Jesus has vowed to deliver on all He has promised - no more death, mourning, crying or pain for every person who has trusted in Him.  

He will pull each of us close, look into our eyes and gently wipe away every tear with Love’s nail-scarred hand. Our best dream come true.

Until then, we humbly wait in great expectation for prayers to be answered -some now and someday - but each rightly held in God’s good and sovereign hands.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9 nlt


