What is locked up tight in the vault of your soul?

The questions that you swallow down hard, unable to utter?

As a child, I once twirled fearlessly, open arms in twilight’s breeze

And fell peacefully silent in the night’s dewy grass under a starlit sky.

And though laughter still skips lightly through my sunny days,

I am now prone to plod heavy when darkness falls.

When did the wonder of it all leave my tiny heart?

Perhaps somewhere along the way, disappointment tugged at the stitching

And unraveled my universe.

So I clumsily tucked it back in, best I could

And folded my arms over top, to protect and hide the hurt.

But I am finding that what lies within needs a reckoning-

A voice to be heard and recognized as your own-

And though it can often spill out sloppily in anger and tears,

It is best sung sweetly in the Presence of Love - Pure and True.

Jesus understands why you hold it so tightly, 

But He would like to pry it gently out of your tight, shaking grasp

And into His strong, forgiving hands;

So you can open your arms once again to the freedom He created you for.

In the same way the Spirit also comes to help us, weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray; the Spirit himself pleads with God for us in groans that words cannot express.

Romans 8:26 gnt


