Taeler J. Hurwitz in Israel (May 3, 1993 - September 12, 2024)
It’s embarrassing for me to admit this as a Christian.
Saying “yes” to Jesus the first time was easy, but each “yes” thereafter has proved challenging.
“Aunt Nikki? Can you rub some lotion on my feet?” my nephew Taeler asked me when I visited him in the hospital.
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law had done it countless times without a second thought. Me? I’m more of a “pat you on the back” person. I’m not a “rub someone’s feet” kinda’ gal.
However, that morning, I looked in the mirror and told Jesus I’d do whatever He asked me to do that day. I pictured filling out a form or organizing a room. That was my comfort zone.
But following Jesus has nothing to do with being comfortable.
“Yes,” I said, rolling up my sleeves and pouring the lotion in my hand. As I considered Taeler’s cracked and swollen feet up close, I had to keep my head down to hide my tears.
When my shaking hands met his injured feet, God reminded me of a Bible verse I learned long ago:
“these signs will follow those who believe….they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17a, 18, NKJV)
Taking that truth to heart, I went all in for Jesus and Taeler - fingers between toes and extra love applied to the heels. Then, I whipped out the toenail clippers in one fell swoop of faith.
“What do you think?” I said.
“Hey, why not?” He shrugged and smiled.
As toenails flew, I asked another question.
“If you could ask Jesus anything besides the obvious, what would you ask?”
He paused, struggling to find the perfect answer for his Bible-thumper aunt. But I wasn’t quizzing him; I wanted to know because I had my own question for Jesus.
“Well, here’s my mine,” I said, “Jesus, am I doing it right?”
“Yes! That’s what I want to know, too,” he said, visibly relieved that not knowing wasn’t a sin. It was a part of being human.
I helped him with his socks and then turned to organize the bed tray while he cheered us on. “Hey, we’re doin’ good.”
Hours later, I looked in the mirror again. Something had changed, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I leaned closer, and there it was, as plain as day.
Taeler’s toenail was lodged in my hair.
“These signs will follow those that believe,” God said.
The toenail was a good sign.
Wherever Jesus leads you today, you’re doing it right. *
*This is an excerpt from the October 2024 “Just a Broken Believer” newsletter.