GOD CALLS YOUR NAME (Remember who you are)

I really, really, REALLY wanted my grandbabies to call me "Suga."

It was the best grandma name I could think of, but my first grandchild, Bug, disagreed.

So she calls me "Nikki," or "Nik" for short.

It may puzzle others within earshot, but I don't care.

Because when she says "Nikki," it's the sweetest sound on earth.

And since I have tuned my ears to Bug's voice, I've remembered another calling from long ago.

When I was a tender-hearted little girl, I heard Jesus call my name.

And Suga, please stop and listen. He's calling your name, too.

Do you hear a rustle in the leaves? The waves lapping at the shore? Does a silent shout nudge your soul awake when you stand under a canopy of stars?

Yes, the One who selected each light for the sky reserved a special place just for you, and He's calling you near.

"Come sit," Jesus kindly pats the seat beside Him at a table overflowing with love and laughter.

You hesitate, thinking the invitation comes with judgment and shame. But, no, it's the world that draws you to that bitter place.

Jesus calls your name with love because He wants you to hear the truth firsthand.

You are who He wants.

You are who He came for. 

You are who He laid down His life to have.

Suga, my dear sweet Suga, come closer so you can hear your name on God’s lips and remember who you are.

You are His.

He calls you to be loved.

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."

(Isaiah 43:1, ESV)


YOU ARE A WARRIOR (Remember who you are)


KEEPING TIME (Remember who you are)