YOU ARE A WARRIOR (Remember who you are)

My children, ages 3 and 8 at the time, could barely contain their excitement.

"We pumped gas for Nanny!"

Once the shock wore off, I wasn't that surprised. 

Mom's delicate hands had never touched a gas pump since she married a man with a full-service heart.

But there was something else I wanted my children to remember about their grandmother.

Nanny may not have been able to pump her own gas, but she knew how to shake the gates of hell on their behalf.

Yes, Nanny was an undercover warrior.

She met Dad in the armed forces; was assigned to the Pentagon.

But soon after, received orders to report directly to the Commander of the Angel Armies, King Jesus Himself.

"Arise, daughter," Jesus said, "Behold your weapon, the Sword of the Spirit."

With a Bible in her hands; His resurrection power in her heart, He sent her out with a promise. "I am with you always. You can reach me anytime."

She fought on her knees in prayer, stood on God's Word, and refused to surrender, even when she saw no signs of victory.

And her final battle cry still echoes to her grandchildren, to 1,000 generations. 

"Trust in the Lord!" She urged, pressed her Bible in our hands, then reported for duty at the foot of God's throne. 

Nanny wasn't the only heavenly soldier assigned an earthly post.

So arise, mighty warrior.

You have God's Word. You have God's ear. You have God's strength. 

You have God's presence to stand firm against the unseen forces of confusion, despair, and hopelessness. 

Never give up. Trust in the Lord.

"I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith."

(2 Timothy 4:7, NIV)


FALLING APART? (Remember who you are)


GOD CALLS YOUR NAME (Remember who you are)