This morning, someone’s son or daughter has left behind a warm bed and tender kisses on tiny foreheads to enter into battle against an unseen enemy. They rise to lay down their own lives for ours while we sit and wait in helpless suspense . 

For throughout history, every generation has borne witness to demonstrations of selfless sacrifice for a necessary rescue- one life for another. In a broken world, it is what must be done because a human life is worth saving- no matter the cost.

And what can be said for the men and women who charged into imploding towers? Soldiers who gallantly shielded our bodies with theirs? For our safety to be secured, a sacrifice was made. A sacrifice we know deep within, we are not worthy of.

And yet even all heroic actions made humbly for the greater good are made in the shadow of the cross of Christ, where the greatest atonement of all time was laid painfully and willingly on the altar of eternity by the Hero of all Mankind. 

Jesus left His home in Heaven to enter into battle for us. It was a war that left his body naked, beaten, torn, and bloody, displayed spread eagle before ungrateful recipients that spat out His name with a curse.

His perfect life in exchange for ours. His body broken so we could be whole. 

For in truth, we are all born infected with an unseen virus that we all must carry, the only cure made freely available to us and won by His hand. 

It was love that compelled Him to come for us, a people helpless to heal ourselves. For to Him, every soul is worthy of costly rescue. 

So on this solemn day of remembrance, let us never forget the great price paid on our behalf. In grateful response, let us join our hearts in fervent prayer to our Savior for our brothers and sisters who walk bravely and humbly in His footsteps today.

May He provide His strength, His wisdom and His protection over their lives and may He grant them success in their sacred work and rest for their weary souls.

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 NIV


