I saw an opening and took my chances. Head spinning, ears ringing, I bolted out the door, terrified of the stern, white footsteps gaining ground behind me. 

Pushing on the nearest door, I hoped to find escape. Instead, I found more flushed and sniffling children like me, only bundled safely in their mommies’ care.

Close by, tropical fish swam back and forth unaffected by the unfolding drama, though one in particular stared me down without a blink.

He had seen me here before - that girl who always tried to escape her pain.

The nurse cautiously approached, the unmistakable outline of a syringe in her pocket. 

Just then, Mommy rushed past my biggest fear to my rescue. Balancing my brother on her hip, she carefully crouched down to eye level and offered me the familiar comfort of her open arms. 

The needle must have eventually found me that day; but funny, I don’t recall it. I only remember the warmth of being held by someone who loved me, someone who knew that it hurt.

What a confusing place we live in - a land where sharp pokes and blinding pain must be endured in order to make us stronger and set our souls. 

It’s no wonder we run.

Bravery to face such things eludes us until it awakens in Love’s arms; courage to withstand grows stronger only among Love’s scars.

Love’s name is Jesus. 

He knows our pain, having felt the jagged metal that rakes across a soul’s back; the pressure of an undeserved crown pressed cruelly into a tender brow. He has dragged the heaviness of a death sentence -mocked, exposed, abandoned.

He hears our muffled cries and responds with wide, open arms.

We only need to stop running and let Him in, past our fear, to hold us while it hurts. 

We can cling to Him now, knowing that one day this sting will be only a distant memory on Heaven’s perfect shore, where we will be held safely in the arms of God’s love forevermore. 

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelations 21:4


