HOW TO LIVE FREE (Back to Sunday School Series)

"Uh oh. I don't have my key," the bank teller said after the vault door clicked, locking us in.

I used to think living with Jesus was like that. You stepped into God's House, the door swung shut and spent the rest of your days trying not to breathe.

But the truth is, eternal life comes with a screen door, not a vault door.

Jesus wants us to sit on the porch with Him and enjoy the breeze.

In John 10:9, Jesus said, "I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved." 

God's hands seal your eternity, but that's only the beginning of His plans for you. In the rest of verse 9, Jesus reveals that His children have been set free:

"He will come in and go out, and find pasture."

Jesus saved you to enjoy a screen door kind of life.

His arms swing open to let you in, and His grace stretches wide to let you go out and live.

On earth, as in Heaven, you're Home in God's Presence whether you’re coming or going.

As His child, you don't need a special code. There's no need to yank the door off the hinges or wait outside in the rain. God's house is your house, too.

Come in. Kick your shoes off, and put your feet up. Let Jesus cover you with His love and slip a cushion under your weary head. You'll be rested and ready when He whispers, "It's time."

Then go out. Dare to trust God to move the mountain and calm the storm. 

Behold the Promised Land with one little push. Hear God's voice through the screen, guiding your way.

Now, find your pasture. Feel the sun on your face and the thrill of adventure, knowing His goodness and mercy are sure to follow.

You don't have to figure it all out. You don't have to be so prepared. 

You can always run back and grab your jacket if you forget it. Your Heavenly Father's screen door is never locked, and He doesn't mind if you come in late.

In fact, the creak and the thump of your coming and going is music to God's ears. Because you're meant to dwell in the house of the Lord forever, every single day of your life.

So, come in, go out, and find pasture. Jesus has set you free.

Written by Nikki S. White


HOW TO PUT YOUR FEAR TO REST (Back to Sunday School Series)


HOW TO LIVE FULL (Back to Sunday School Series)