HOW TO LIVE FULL (Back to Sunday School Series)

"You know your aunt's helpless, right?"

I say it because I feel it, but it isn't true.

Even in my nephew's room, where death waits like a thief outside the door, I can sort through the carry-out containers with a smile. I've got a knack for knowing what to keep and what to throw away. It's a little thing, but it's a win in the big picture.

Since the day we're born, we're all fighting for our lives.

Not the life we deserve but the life God means for us to have.

Our days are already numbered on Heaven's calendar. It's up to us how we live them.

God says I'm not helpless, and neither are you. Every day, we have a choice.

"This day… I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now, choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

My nephew helps me decide. Gripping the arms of the chair, he pulls himself forward with great effort, his eyes intent on mine so I get the message loud and clear.

"You're not helpLESS. You're helpFULL.”

He could help me see the difference between LESS and FULL because he'd made his choice for that day.

When we choose the Lord, we choose to live. God turns our LESS to FULL.

HopeLESS to HopeFULL

ThankLESS to ThankFULL

MeaningLESS to MeaningFULL

It's more than a four-letter difference. It rewrites our entire story. Until the last page, each word and breath has a purpose. We can speak life. We can exhale love. When we live full, we glorify the Lord.

But there’s a thief waiting to steal the glory, pointing out that life's slipping away. So, hold fast to what God says is true.

In John 10:10, Jesus told us how to identify a thief.

"The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy."

The devil wants to take everything God's given you. The thief wants you to live with LESS: WreckLESS, FaithLESS, CareLESS.

But you're made for so much more.

Jesus said, "But I've come to give them life to the FULL."

God withholds no good thing from His children, so He sent His Only Son.

God's FULLness dwells in Jesus, and that's what He wants for you.

Because God is faithFULL, Jesus wants you to remain FULL: JoyFULL, MindFULL, ThoughtFULL.

You're not helpLESS. You are FULL of God’s Spirit, so you have His power to choose.

Don't settle for LESS.

Live FULL.


HOW TO LIVE FREE (Back to Sunday School Series)


WHO HAS THE ANSWER? (Back to Sunday School Series)