I fluff a pillow, then move the hospital tray one inch closer. Five months ago, my nephew Taeler was given one month to live.

Too overwhelmed in a situation where I can do nothing, I stand in the corner and breathe.

Taeler smiles at me. "You're doin' good," he says.

But am I? Can a girl who loves Jesus breathe anything good into a bad situation?

The answers elude me some days.

My nephew takes another breath; so do I. "We're doin' good," he says. 

Now it's my turn to smile. I'm here to encourage him, yet he's inspiring me.

We're both doin' good because God is good, and He lives in us.

You don't have to do much to make a difference in this broken world. Sometimes, all you need to do is to breathe.

Lazarus's story in John 12 of the New Testament is proof. 

Lazarus and his two sisters attended a dinner in Jesus' honor. While there, each sibling did what God called them to do: Martha served, Mary poured, and Lazarus breathed. 

Reclining at the table, Lazarus didn't look like he was doing too much to impact the world for Jesus. To my knowledge, Lazarus didn't deliver inspirational speeches, pass out tracts, or lead a mission trip to the Congo. 

He just stayed close to Jesus and went about his life.

Yet, by the simple act of breathing, Lazarus shook the very gates of Hell.

So will you. You're doin' good. Keep breathing.

Because Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, his existence preached hope to a dying world. In that one effortless act of breathing, Lazarus spread the news: Life is hard, but God is good. Come to Jesus.

And they did.

“A large number of people heard that Jesus was in Bethany, so they went there, not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from death.”

(v9 GNT)

Like Lazarus, your new life preaches. Your living, breathing presence in a room signifies that God is there. 

Inhale God's Word, and you'll exhale the Gospel truth from every pore of your body:

This might look like the end, but Jesus says, "It's not over yet."

You're doin' good. Keep breathing.

As God's children, we declare the eternal hope of Christ to a dying world to our very last breath.

And one glorious day, after all that breathing, we'll crawl into Jesus' arms with one big sigh, and He'll say, "Well done."

Until then, keep living. Keep breathing. Keep believing. 

You're doin' good.


SHINE ON (Getting past ‘Imposter Syndrome’)