SHINE ON (Getting past ‘Imposter Syndrome’)

Alone on the gym floor, all eyes were on me at cheerleading tryouts. It was too late to back out now. The judge cleared her throat, politely signaling me to begin.

Doubt popped out like beads of sweat. I didn't belong here. I wasn't good enough. Now everyone would know.

I had two choices. One, I could run out the exit to a lifetime of regret. Two, I could gather courage, run straight at fear, and dive into the possibilities, activating every guardian angel my mother had prayed would guard me through such foolishness. 

"Miss Bliss? Your stunt?"

"Handspring," I replied in a voice pitched high enough for neighborhood dogs to start barking.

Yes, a handspring; I'd never done one. Why not now in front of the entire school?

With arms high in foolish surrender, I sprinted forward, leaped, and found myself upside down and airborne. In one glorious moment, I pictured a perfect landing. Instead, my rear end smacked the varnish with a thud.

I can still feel the sting and hear the snickers. 

Everyone knew I should be disqualified. But for some reason that remains unknown to me, the judge showed mercy and handed over a team sweater with my name on it.

She chose to believe in me. 

When basketball season rolled around, I stood unsure on the sidelines of that same hard floor where I'd fallen, wearing a uniform I didn't deserve. 

These days, they call it "imposter syndrome," a tool the other team uses to keep you quiet.

But please don't accept that sweater.

The Judge has chosen you for the job. A mom, coach, caregiver, teacher, pastor, or friend to the fallen; many are called, but few are chosen. You were born to do this.

Pull the grace of God over your head each day and step into your calling. 

Do you believe in Jesus? Good. He believes in you. He's given you everything you need to do this for Him. 

The glorious place of grace in which we're all called to stand is worth making a spectacle of yourself. The Lord doesn't need your skills. Jesus wants your heart, all of it.

Jesus knows you're prone to fall on your keister. Don't worry. If you do, He'll help you up and keep you standing until the final buzzer (or trumpet) sounds. Game over.

But you won the moment you stepped out on the floor. 

Remember, God is for you, not against you today. 

Shine on.

“We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand - out in the wide-open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.” 

Romans 5:2 (MSG)





WHY YOU CAN TRUST GOD’S PLAN (Back to Sunday School Series)