HOW TO RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE (Back to Sunday School Series)

"Thanks for being born," the card reads; I blush. 

"Open the present! It's for you," friends urge. I hesitate.

My wallet comes out to pay for lunch." Your money's no good here," someone waves.

But that's not all. 

" Blow out the candle! Make a wish!" But what more can I ask for?

Birthdays happen annually, but I can never wrap my head around the irony.

Our mothers do all the work. We get the gifts, all for showing up and taking a breath.

It's the same way with eternal life. Jesus did all the work on the cross so we could receive God's undeserved gift of love.

God's love is never an even exchange.

His generosity has been a mystery since the beginning. 

God created you and won't even let you buy your own gift.

Your money's no good in Heaven.

The Gospel of John, chapter 3, tells the story of Nicodemus, a religious man who went shopping for his own birthday gift and decided to see Jesus for ideas.

But the conversation didn't go quite like Nick expected.

"Unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God," Jesus told him (v3)

"That's impossible!" Nick exclaimed. "I don't get it," he confessed. 

Besides, he loved his mother too much to put her through all "that" again. 

So Jesus explained, "You must be born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh. Spirit gives birth to Spirit."  (v 5,6)

Giving the gift of eternal life is above a momma's pay grade.

That's why God sent Jesus from Heaven to purchase it for you.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (v16)

The birthday party begins when you agree to receive Jesus, but it doesn't end there.

You get another wonderful present from God, His Holy Spirit, Who gives you love, joy, peace, and much more.

So "Happy Birthday!"

Go ahead and open God's glorious Gift, cherish Jesus with all your heart and live out your one wonderful everlasting life in gratitude to the Gift Giver. 

Remember to say," Thank You!" 

It's the only polite thing to do. But I bet your Momma taught you that.


WHAT DOES FAITH LOOK LIKE?(Back to Sunday School Series)


WHEN TO TURN WINE INTO WATER (Back to Sunday School series)