WHEN TO TURN WINE INTO WATER (Back to Sunday School series)

"Jesus Drank Wine", the t-shirt stated. 

I held it up; the crowd broke out in giggles. Then I put it on; it looked like a perfect fit.

But the more I wore it, the more uncomfortable it got.

"Is this t-shirt really me?" I'd ask. 

"It's fine! Don't overthink it. Didn't Jesus turn water into wine?" came the reply.

I knew the answer was 'yes' and I wanted to be like Jesus, so I opened my Bible to John 2 to see why.

Actually, Jesus's first miracle wasn't about wine; it was about God's glory. 

If Jesus wore a t-shirt, His would have read, "All for the Glory of God."

Because that's Who Jesus is, and that was His mission on earth.

Jesus did exactly what God told Him to. Because as God's Son, He represented God the Father. 

Doing what God says shows the world Who God is and brings Him glory.

So I picture Jesus wearing His "All for the Glory of God" t-shirt to the wedding that day.

In the middle of the celebration, He was told that the newly married couple would face inevitable humiliation if He didn't intervene.

Jesus knew that it wasn't God's will for this young couple, or anyone else, to be ashamed or deprived of dignity.

So, He interrupted the regularly scheduled events with a divine miracle.

He tossed a few identical t-shirts to some willing servants nearby. "Put these on," He said, "You're now on "Team Glory."

The servants may have been confused by their assignment, worried they'd get their shirts dirty or turn them inside out. But Jesus's mom smoothed out the wrinkles.

"Do whatever He tells you," she advised. Because Jesus’s instructions were simple and clear.  

As the party went on around them, "Team Glory" focused on their mission. They continued to do what they were told, brimming with anticipation.

When you follow Jesus, you can expect to have a front-row seat to a miracle, maybe even your own.

Then, ”Team Glory" finally brought the results to the banquet director, who was amazed.

"This is the BEST!,” he exclaimed, because it wasn't everyday ordinary “lets-get-drunk” wine.

He had been offered a taste of God's glory. And it was like nothing he’d ever known.

Then all the guests tasted God's glory and were filled with joy, too.

From that day on, Jesus's disciples believed and became “all in” for their Lord.

Eyes opened, hearts changed, and everyone saw the REAL Jesus. His glory was revealed.

Just think. How many more miracles await us with surrender and a simple wardrobe change?

"All for the Glory of God” t-shirt.

Be sure to get yours today.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

(1 Corinthians 10:31, NLT)


HOW TO RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE (Back to Sunday School Series)


HOW TO BE YOURSELF (Back to Sunday School Series)