The doorbell almost made me jump out of my slippers that night. My body was weary, my soul set on edge.

Even on the best of days, I hated to answer the door. After all, doors and I had never been friends.

When I was 4, one heavy church door swung shut on my fingers. Then, when I was 20, shame chased me out another. And earlier that day, it felt like God had slammed another door in my face that I tried to walk through in faith.

So risk answering another door tonight? No, thank you. 

But someone wasn’t giving up. The doorbell rang again, threatening to wake the household.

So I had no choice but to turn the porch light on and open it.

“Sally?” My friend from church stood there holding out a single carnation to me. 

I hesitated, trying to make sense of the situation. It was late on a school night; she had four little kids of her own to tend to. Yet still, here she was. 

What made her do it? How did she know I was on the brink of barring my heart’s door forever? 

"God told me to," she answered before I could ask. Then, she pressed the flower in my hand, wrapped me in a warm hug, and turned to go without another word.

I watched her taillights fade away, but the sweet presence of the Lord remained with me, even to this day.

And a new hope blossomed in my heart like the flower in my hand.

“Momma? Who was at the door?” a groggy voice called from the bedroom.

“Jesus,” I answered. 

Because no matter how many doors had tried to crush me, Jesus was the one and only door I could trust to make me whole.


“Why do you like Jesus so much?” My granddaughter asked me one day.

Because He alone holds the key to my heart’s door.


“ I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:9-10, ESV)


