My husband drove the all-terrain vehicle deep into the forest’s shadow, shut off the ignition, and faced me.

“OK. Where’s the cabin?”

I scanned the evergreen horizon for clues, but the light-dappled darkness played tricks on me. Instead of a clear path home, I saw imaginary creatures lurking behind tree trunks waiting to attack.

Panic rose in my chest; I had no idea where I was.

Still, I squeezed my eyes shut and obediently pointed - a wild stab in the dark. “That way?"

His silence gave me hope. Had I finally guessed right? This game had been going on for over 20 years.


“Nope,” he held his hand out in the opposite direction, “That way.”

As we turned back toward home, he reminded me of the landmarks to look for should I ever be out in the wilderness alone.

I nodded and took a few mental notes, but I had no intentions of EVER going anywhere in the forest without my husband. 

I didn’t need to know how to get there.

After all, he was my way.

He would get me exactly where I needed to go. 

But how often had I wandered into other unknown places, not knowing where to turn? 

I imagine you’ve been out there, too? Lost in the lurking shadows of your future? Not knowing who or what to trust?

Every human heart has a faulty compass when dwarfed by the enormity of life spans and destiny.  

We need Someone who sees above it all, who knows this broken world like the back of His hand.

We need a Person who'd rather lay down His life than see us lost, because He knows eternity waits at the end.

We must know the Way Himself. 

Jesus answered, “I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6, NIV)


“Why do you like Jesus so much?” My four-year-old granddaughter asked me one day.

Because He is my only way Home.



