KICK UP THE SAND (Never Miss a Sunset)

"Never miss a sunset" is my summer motto.

I hope you don't settle for the safe view.

I hope you throw up your arms and say, "Why not?" and come closer to the things that scare you.

I pray that you kick up sand as you run down the path. Let everyone think you've lost your mind or forgotten your age.

Be brave. Plunge in. Let the icy waters thrill and baptize you anew.

You may raise some eyebrows and come up sputtering, but that's okay.

For a moment in time, you went all in.

Tomorrow, you may reach that faraway shore. But for now, close your eyes, smell the summer sea, and give thanks for what you have been given.


Never miss a sunset.

Never forget that you were born to live.

"He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11b, NIV)


PRESS ON (Never Miss a Sunset)


SUMMER STORMS (Never Miss a Sunset)