PRESS ON (Never Miss a Sunset)

"Never miss a sunset" is my summer motto.

I hope you never grow tired of searching it out.

Because there are evenings when the trip may disappoint and tired days when the journey seems too far.

You walk toward hope through a multitude going the other way, shaking their heads, saying, "It's not worth it."

Press on. Don't turn back. 

Even in the gray haze, something will be there waiting.

Something the others didn't see.

When it appears that God has failed to paint the evening sky, offer the canvas of your heart instead.

This time, you be the sun.

Stretch out your arms, melt before Him, and let the Master do His finest work.

Never miss a sunset.

Never forget that God has the best view.

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

(Ephesians 2:10 NLT)


STEADFAST (Never Miss a Sunset)


KICK UP THE SAND (Never Miss a Sunset)