We often find ourselves chugging like choo-choos around the kitchen table until we can shuffle no more. We barely catch our breath before charming giggles of “again! again! “ fuel us for another round.

For if parenthood brought me to a closer understanding of how much God loves His children, grammyhood has taken that to a whole new level.

My husband and I take great delight in fulfilling all our precious grandbaby’s requests. Her asks are never out of our ability to answer.

There have been times, though, when her toddler wanderings have taken her too close to the water when feeding the ducks. A quick swooping rescue may be accompanied by squeals of kicking protest, but our desire for her safety far outweighs the break in her positive view of us. 

And although grandparents are known for not saying no, we understand that the withholding of some things is better for her well-being in the long run. Too much frosting leads to tummy aches and endless spins to boo-boos. 

For our precious girl has greater needs outside of her wants and a crescendo of granted wishes without a mature perspective could lead to the misconstrued view that she is in charge. 

One day, far from now, she will grow into an understanding of what our love really looks like. 

It is not a selfish love. For everything we have is hers for the taking, as long as it is for her good.

It is not a condemning love. For our greatest joy is seeing her succeed.

It is a love that rejoices when she discovers what she is capable of.

It is a love that only seeks to bring her the very best.

It is a love that will never end.

So, if we, being mere humans, know that kind of love while living on this broken earth, how much more will our God, Who’s name is Love, pour out all that He is and all that He has for us, His children? 

Pause a moment today before stepping out the door, to see His eternal love for you.

If you then, imperfect as you are, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Matthew 7:11 (WNT)


