This week, I have been existing in my own little paradise of denial, running away from daily routines and impending doom.

Because lately, there seems to be a balance we are all struggling to achieve-a new normal between faith and the peril surrounding us.

We wash the dinner dishes to news filled with shouts, flames and sirens. We push sterile shopping carts to the drumbeat of our frantic pounding hearts.

We laugh through our masks, but I fear our tired eyes betray us.

We want to believe. We want to trust. 

But we want what we want as well.

And therein, lies the tension at the heart of the matter.

For the faithful that have walked before us stepped firmly into the unknown, seeking to know only the Savior. Each walked onward with open hands and broken hearts, expecting to be filled with whatever God saw fit to offer.

And yet what they received was far more than they had ever hoped.

He gave them Himself.

And with that ultimate Gift came peace, joy and courage for whatever else they faced.

But it appears that I - on the other hand - have grown accustomed to the many blessings that accompanied my salvation. I am finding more satisfaction in the gifts, than with the Gift Giver Himself.  

I have placed my trust in what I have, instead of Who has me. 

And relying on the temporary things of this world-no matter how wonderful - always leads to uneasiness of the soul. Perhaps you feel it too, my friend? 

So in order to find the peace we all long for, a choice must be made. 

No matter what tomorrow holds, we must resolve to cling to the One Who cannot be moved. 

We must choose to press into, take hold of, and wrap our hopes up in the immeasurable and unshakable provision of all He is and ever shall be.

For to have Jesus is to possess a treasure - one our souls have always longed for. Even if all else falls away, He will remain ours forever. 

“And He will be the security and stability of your times, A treasure of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the Lord is your treasure.”

Isaiah 33:6 amp




sunrise sunset