“Thank you Jesus for the sunset!” my sweet grand baby declared enthusiastically to the Creator in the sky.

Then, as we turned and walked up the sandy path, I could hear her talking softly to herself. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders and whispered, “He can’t hear me.”

This revelation stopped me dead in my tracks. For I knew that it is thoughts like these that can weigh heavy on a heart. With these words, a pattern could be formed - thinking that the Savior cannot be bothered and that what we have to say is too unimportant for Him to consider.

I know, because I have carried that secret burden for far too many seasons of my life. 

I am sad, but have no real reason to be. I am hurting, but I should forgive and move on. I am broken, but I need to hold it all together for other’s sake. I am scared, but I push fear away.

I handle the small stuff and only go to Jesus when I have no where else to turn.

God’s Spirit spoke to me at that moment and I knew that my granddaughter and I were at a mutual crossroad of faith. Did Jesus hear her? Did my God see my cry? Sometimes when we don’t hear or see an answer, we assume the worst.

Then I remembered Bible verses that I was once taught, but had long forgotten.

“O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me…You know my thoughts even when I’m far away…You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” 

Psalm 139:1-5 (nlt)

I picked her up in my arms, and looked deep into the windows of her soul where her heart could hear and answered us both, 

“Yes, sweet girl, He can! He does! He hears you! Jesus loves you so much! He wants you to talk to Him! He even knows every thought inside your precious curly head.”

She considered this and with a nod of simple acceptance turned back satisfied to finish her climb, with Grammy following close behind.


