We once vowed to “never forget”.

But oh, how I fear that we have.

For while we once stood united in the inferno of 9/11, the flames of unrest that now sweep through our streets threaten to divide us and cause our fall.

The sacred idea of America - once sparked by God in the hearts of imperfect people - has long lifted a beacon of hope to the world. Its light has shone brightly in the darkest times of history when God’s people moved toward Him and reflected His brilliant truth.

The fires which mark us for destruction can be extinguished by an even greater blaze of hope if we first take up torches into the murky trenches of our own hearts.

“If My people, Who belong to Me”

Our nation’s restoration begins with us - the people who have declared allegiance to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. We are called to be the light of the world.

But because we carry this divine light in fragile lanterns, it dims as we follow our own whims and ways. This flame needs to be constantly fanned with God’s truth so we are not scorched by deception.

will humbly pray, seek my face,”

Humble acknowledges what is within us and cries for help at the foot of the Cross. Hearts that are laid bare in desperate prayer are always covered by His mercy.  

We all battle darkness within us. Expose it to the light of His grace.

and turn from their wicked ways,”

To a Holy God, sin is sin - no matter how much we justify our own bent to rebellion. 

We may continue to stumble, but we must always press on toward Jesus. 

then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin,”

God hears the cries we stifle in our pillow at night. He knows our desperate thoughts. Deep down, we all desire peace and freedom from things that have captured us and hold us hostage. 

We are all meant to live freely in His forgiveness.

and heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14 (ceb)

As we allow Jesus to tend to the flame which smolders in our own souls, our hearts will soon be set ablaze with a deeper love for God, our family and our country.

And where His Light shines, there will be freedom and healing. 

May God bless America.


