“Red Rover! Red Rover! Send the girl in the red rose top right over!”

I looked down at my shirt, its prissy floral pattern unmistakable in the August sun. My nine-year-old teammates on either side squeezed my sweaty hands in sympathy. 

It was official. I was the first sacrifice of the Bible camp version of “Hunger Games”, 1973.

My mind went right to the faith arsenal that could arm me for battle. I considered verses about God’s protection, a fun chapel ditty about Christian soldiers, and the recent sermon reminder that Jesus would return for us soon (an added bonus in my current situation).

“Rocky," the opposing side’s leader, had made the calculated decision to call me out. Her commanding presence inspired terror and awe in the bravest of Sunday School girls, of which I was the least. She and her minions created a formidable human chain in mocking defiance of any hope of divine rescue.

But there is a time for every believer when the contents of your head must travel to your heart. 

So with pigtails flying, scrawny arms pumping, I threw myself full-force at the brawn of the enemy’s armed barricade, Old Testament style.

My eyes were squeezed shut at the time of impact, but witnesses later reported that I was clotheslined clean -all sixty pounds of me- and flew backward with a guttural groan.

Rocky’s face appeared over mine as I tried to recover my dignity. Up close, I could see kindness in her deep brown eyes. 

"Sorry,” she whispered, looking around to make sure no one else heard and offered her hand to help me up.

Only God knew then of the countless ways I would take hold of that hand in the years to come. 

I clung to it when the bottom dropped out of dreams and amusement park rides. It held the bouquet as I spoke my vows. And I pressed it to my tear-stained cheek as I walked away from far too many fresh graves.

Funny, my weakest moment brought me to my greatest strength. 

Perhaps yours will, too.

With Love,

The girl in the red rose top (and Rocky)

Do not fear, for I am with you;…

I will strengthen you; I will help you;

I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand. 

Isaiah 41:10 hcsb


